Beginning to fill the caps of the key choices of a case study as pointed out in Hamilton, L. (2011) Case studies in educational research, British Educational Research Association on-line resource.
The problem
We struggle to design better multimedia study materials using all contemporary learning theories. We evaluate the materials in laboratory settings. On the other hand we claim that the new study materials make education more accessible. It means that we expect people to be able to learn whoever they are or wherever they live. ‘Wherever’ means outside of lab, out of our control and sight.
Do we know how do they use our materials out there? Do they care if we have presented the information in a smart mixture by addressing different channels (Trying not to overload the learner’s cognitive capacities) or do they still learn while watching TV, keeping the FB chat window open or having other irrelevant noise around?
On the other hand, companies that create multimedia (learning) games know that the more blinking and flashing they can come up with, the easier it is to sell. OK, one thing is to sell something – I have also sold thousands of guitar method books – but the other thing is to get people to learn. Do those people who actually learn, appreciate the effective designs or is it just the information they care about?
Many people start online courses but only some of them gain results. Who are these people?
I have about 230 people who succeeded to learn some guitar using my multimedia study materials. They started from scratch and ended up actually playing something and even recording it. It means that they had everything that it takes to do it: a computer, the internet connection, possibility to record audio, a guitar and some free time. Is there anything else they have in common? Well, 68% of them are male and only 32% are female.