Reading: The New Meaning of Educational Change 1-3

Michael Fullan.

1. A Brief History of Educational Change

Not much happened in 1950s. The key to success is in improvement of relationships. End of 50s-beginning of 60s saw first major curriculum reform. By 70s it was clear that there was little success. In 1980s more funds and resources were thrown into the reform fire. The main reason for constant failing is in weak infrastructure or the clash of different goals.

2. Sources of Educational Change

It’s not the lack of innovation but just too many disconnected, episodic, fragmented projects. Many bigger schools and areas may benefit but generally if the reform comes from top it doesn’t work. There are many innovative ideas around but the programs are disconnected and schools are often forced to participate. The sources of innovation are weak and often misunderstood.

3. The Meaning of Educational Change

All changes involve loss, anxiety and struggle. When a change succeeds it can result in a sense of mastery, accomplishment and professional growth. Fear of fail and hope to succeed have bigger subjective impact than many would think.

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