Reading: What is the Proper Role of Research in Doctoral Programs in Education?

%0 Book Section
%D 2014
%B The Nurturing of New Educational Researchers
%E Ibarrola, Maríade
%E Anderson, LorinW.
%R 10.1007/978-94-6209-698-1_8
%T What is the Proper Role of Research in Doctoral Programs in Education?
%I SensePublishers
%8 2014-01-01
%A Anderson, LorinW.
%P 81-98
%G English

Overview of the problem

The thesis of this paper is that all doctoral programs should be built around research.

1893 – first PhD in education (Columbia)
1921 – first Ed.D (Harvard)

Henry Holmes (first dean of the Graduate School of Education at Harvard): the primary difference between the Ph. D. and Ed. D. degrees in his eyes was the intended audience, not the emphasis on research.

Over the  decades, the Ph. D. and Ed. D. have become quite similar.

Is science a result or a process? Or, is it just something that scientists do?

For these authors, research is a way of thinking. Because in education, the same knowledge would not work universally.

What follows is discussing what is a good research. As I am currently taking the scientific methodology course, this part seems like a child’s reasoning :)

6 principles of quality research identified by the NRC committee:

a. Significant questions
b. Theories, models, and conceptual frameworks
c. Data collection
d. Interpretation
e. Generalizability and replicability
f. Scrutiny and critique