From 8th to 26th of April I have scheduled a small tour around Estonia to play the program of my new album. There are seven concerts and they are in all different places – I start the tour in an old church then continue in a culture center in South Estonia, then an old museum house, then the oldest castle of the Baltics, then a museum again on an island and a culture centre again and finally a concert in the capital – Tallinn.
So the venues are all different in size and acoustics. The tour is organized by my own company Kitarrikool OY and we got some support from the Estonian Fund of Culture and the Association of Estonian Professional Musicians and the rest I cover from the ticket sales.
As I said before – I didn’t get my CD ready for the first church recital but it nevertheless was a good concert. I’ll tell more in the next few posts. On the picture you see a variation of my tour’s banner that I didn’t choose eventually.