Reading: Fogg. BJ, A Behavior Model For Persuasive Design

Persuasive ’09, Apr 26-29, Claremont, CA.

Main point

Fogg Behavior Model (FBM) says that behavior is a product of three factors: motivation, ability and trigger. These have to be present in the same moment.

The combination of motivation and ability defines the likeliness a person is to behave in a desired way. It is possible that if one of the factors is too low then the other can compensate it but most common case is that they are not at extremes.

Trigger has to occur on time. Timing can often be the missing element.

Elements of motivation:

  • Pleasure/Pain
  • Hope/Fear
  • Social Acceptance/Rejection

Elements of simplicity (ability=simplicity because people don’t want to learn to increase their ability)

  • Time
  • Money
  • Physical effort
  • Brain Cycles (need to think)
  • Social deviance (am I “normal”?)
  • Non-routine (people like routine)

Types of triggers

  • Sparks (boosts motivation, can be annoying)
  • Facilitator (says that “your ability is enough for this”)
  • Signal (reminder, traffic light)

Triggers are more important than ever because in electronic world it is possible to act immidately.

FBM can also be used to prevent behavior but it is more difficult to do.