It is good to know that there are people out there who enjoy things I’ve done. Here’s a recent letter from an Argentinian who had listened music from “The Dance Album”: Dear Kristo: “First, I want to congratulate you, because I had the opportunity of listening to you on youtube. I was appreciating you playing… Continue reading
What is the Best Guitar Lesson?
It can seem like a difficult question but nothing can be easier to answer if we use some logic and deduction. We could begin like this: The best guitar lesson is the one that helps to achieve the set goals. Then we have to ask two further questions – 1) Who’s goals and 2) What… Continue reading
Left-handed Guitarist?
In many languages ‘left’ means something wrong, weak or bad. So in many cultures the left-handedness has regarded as ‘wrong’. Therefore it is difficult to say how many lefties do we really have. But using different tools that are designed for right-handed people may be tough for lefties. The same goes for musical instruments. Wikipedia… Continue reading
Acoustic Versus Classical Guitar
Almost every day I have to explain people what exactly is the difference between the classical and the acoustic guitar. The fact that I have touched the topic in every guitar book that I have written does not make it any easier. Let’s now try with a very compact video:
Guitar Music Styles are Different Languages
Ok, everybody knows that guitar is by far the most popular music instrument in the Western world. Let’s face the numbers: 37 M searches per month in Google beats the next most popular instrument piano by 50%. The difference used to be even bigger but something has changed in the way how Google counts the… Continue reading
Recording the Guitar at Home
Some years ago you had to book a recording studio to record your music or try out an idea. Those days are over. There are numerous ways how you can do it at home. Here is a short list of my equipment and some sound examples. 1. Computer. Any up-to-date machine will do. I use… Continue reading
The Dance Album now on sale in UK
My previous “serious” solo guitar CD “The Dance Album” reached today the guitar music store at and got positive critics. So here it is:
The Dance Album on sale in UK
My favorite solo guitar CD “The Dance Album” reached today the guitar music store at and got positive critics. So here it is: By the way, without much planning my new solo CD came out – much different from “The Dance Album” but people seem to like it. Check out my “Live at cafe… Continue reading
Cold Weather, Humidity and the Guitars
The following goes mainly for the acoustic guitars but the electric guitar is made of wood, too. So changes in temperature and humidity have effect on all guitars. This topic is important both in summer and in winter but as it is winter now, I will talk about the specific problems of winter time. Ideally,… Continue reading
Fingernails and the Guitar
The oldest guitar tutor books don’t say much about players’ nails but from Sor and Aguado we can find some hints. Sor has said that he cut his thumbnail in the fashion of his good friend Aguado. That means that he probably used nails on other right hand fingers. From Tarrega we know that for… Continue reading