Floridante Live: the Beautiful Leçons de Ténèbres by Couperin at MustonenFest

February began with performing some baroque music with my good colleagues from the ensemble Floridante. The concert was part of the annual MustonenFest, a long-standing international music festival that explores music from different genres and centuries. The program is put together by the legendary violinist and founder of the 50-year-old early music ensemble Hortus Musicus,… Continue reading

Tallinn Music Week 2014

Kristo Käo (guitar) & Leonora Palu (flute) at Nokia Concert hall on 27th of March, around 21:30. This is the annual Tallinn Music Week – the biggest showcase festival in Nordic and Baltic region: http://tallinnmusicweek.ee/artist_2014.php?nid=484 Here is what we will play: R.Eespere / Matbeth J.Reinvere / Water Dance L.Sumera / For BBB and his Friend

We launched a smart guitar game

Me and my colleague from the university (Margus Niitsoo, PhD) have been working on sound recognition lately. I recorded hundreds of samples on different guitars this summer to form the basis for machine learning. Now our virtual professor can distinguish between different pitches and chords pretty accurately. Rhythm, timing and tempo recognition is under development…. Continue reading